Review of Theory and Praxis of Music

Costas Tsougras

Composer and music theorist. He was born in Volos, Greece, in 1966. After studying music at Volos Hellenic Conservatory (accordion diploma, harmony degree), he pursued studies in musicology and composition in Thessaloniki (bachelor, School of Music Studies, Aristotle University; composition diploma, New Conservatory of Thessaloniki, Chr. Samaras’ class). In 2002 he completed his PhD research (A.U.Th., D. Yannou, supervisor) involving the use of the Generative Theory of Tonal Music for the analysis of Y. Constantinidis 44 Greek miniatures (University Studio Press, 2003). In 2000 he was a visiting scholar at the Columbia University, New York, where he attended advanced music theory seminars and worked on his PhD project with Fred Lerdahl. His research in music theory and analysis has been published in journals (Musicae Scientiae, Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies, Quaderni dell’Istituto Liszt, Polyphonia, et al) and conference proceedings. He is assistant professor of systematic musicology at the School of Music Studies of the A.U.Th. His music has been performed by acclaimed musicians and ensembles (Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra, Greek Contemporary Music Ensemble, dissonART Ensemble, New Hellenic Quartet, Idee Fixe Ensemble, Piandaemonium, Iowa Brass Quintet, etc). In 2012 he represented the Greek Composers’ Union at the ISCM World Music Days in Belgium.