Abstracts of issue 1/1985 (1)

Ion Zottos

G.-C. Menottis Maria Golovin: A Study on Jealousy

Gian-Carlo Menottis latest visit in Greece (January 1983), and his Maria Golovin (directed by the composer), made a lasting impression on the Greek opera-going public. The present writer was given the possibility of introducing Mr. Menotti (since then a recipient of the Kennedy Prize) to a large audience assembled at the American Hellenic League, where questions were publicly asked. This article incorporates relevant information the composer gave on the subject of his operas and on Maria Golovin in particular. The range of G.-C. Menottis canon is first examined and evaluated briefly, and Maria Golovin is seen in relation to that canon. The work in question is then assessed and an analysis of part of the opera is attempted. The subject of jealousy – the theme of the opera – and its expression in musical and dramatic terms is given particular emphasis.

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