Abstracts of issue 18 (2003)

Ioannis Fulias

The Role of the Graduates of the Departments of Musical Studies in Musical Education

Despite the fact that the graduates of the Departments of Musical Studies have more formal and virtual qualifications than anyone else in Greece in order to support the various sections of the public and private musical education, the “antiquated” and insufficient (if not absent at all) legal framework in force, in combination with the existence of a plethora of possessors of any non-university degrees in musical skills (which are involved in the music teaching too, although they have not the elementary cognitive adequacy and pedagogical instruction), creates serious obstacles in the effort for a virtual upgrading of the Greek musical education. In this paper we briefly examine the main problems that confront the graduates of the University Music Departments in their access in public lower and middle musical education and in conservatories as teachers, pointing out the necessity of the establishment of a Music Academy in Greece as well as of the definitive disjunction between the musical education and the musical artistry at all levels.

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