1st International Congress of Musicology

Athens Goethe Institute, 25-27 February 2002


Ludwig Finscher

Professor Emeritus and chief editor of the second edition of Die Musik in Geschichte and Gegenwart (MGG). He was Professor of Musicology at the University of Frankfurt and chair of the Musicology Department at the University of Heidelberg. He is a member of the Academies of Sciences of Frankfurt’s University, and the cities Heidelberg and Mainz. He is an honorary member of the International Musicological Society (of which he was twice elected President), the Royal Musical Association, and the American Musicological Society etc. He has been awarded the Großes Verdienstkreuz mit Stern of the Federal Republic of Germany and made a member of the Ordre pour le Mérite. His scientific work covers a great part of Western music history, extending from the Renaissance to late Romanticism and embracing a variety of methodologies and research tools. The Music Department of the Athens University, in recognition of his important contribution to science and his support to Greek musicology, awarded Ludwig Finscher an honorary Doctor’s degree, on the 28th February 2002. Ludwig Finscher is an Honorary Member of Musicology (Musicología).