1st International Congress of Musicology

Athens Goethe Institute, 25-27 February 2002


Constantin Floros

He was born at Thessaloniki in 1930. After pursuing Law studies in Greece, he studied Musicology, Art history, Philosophy and Psychology in Vienna, were he became doctor of Philosophy at 1955. He also studied composition (A. Uhl) and orchestra conducting (H. Swarovsky, G. Kassowitz) in 1953. He became assistant professor at the University of Hamburg (1969) after his 3-volume research on the Kontakia of the Middle Byzantine period. From 1967 up to 1995 he was Professor of Musicology at the University of Hamburg. During the early sixties he first managed to decode the oldest of Byzantine and Slavonian notations. He also participated to a number of symposiums on Musical Hermeneutics (from 1990). In 1998 he was declared Honorary Doctor of the Music Department of the University of Athens. He is a Honorary Member of Musicology.
Most significant publications:
Universale Neumenkunde, 3 volumes, Kassel 1970.
Gustav Mahler, 3 volumes, Wiesbaden 1977/1985.
Beethovens Eroica und Prometheusmusik, Wilhelmshaven 1978.
Mozart-Studien 1, Wiesbaden 1979.
Brahms und Bruckner, Wiesbaden 1980.
Musik als Botschaft, Wiesbaden 1989.
Alban Berg. Musik als Autobiographie, Wiesbaden 1992.
Györgi Ligeti. Jenseits von Avantgarde und Postmoderne, Vienna 1996.
Johannes Brahms. Frei aber einsam, Zürich Hamburg 1997.
Gustav Mahler. Visionär und Despot, Zürich Hamburg 1998.
The Greek tradition in music writing of the Middle Ages, Thessaloniki 1998.