2nd International Congress of Musicology

Athens Concert Hall, 4-6 November 2003

Paper Abstracts

Katy Romanou

“All are Happy and Haydn’s Tableau is Complete”

This is a paper on narrativity in musical analysis. It begins with a description of one of the earliest applications of narrativity in musical analysis, Jérôme-Joseph de Momigny’s analysis of Haydn’s symphony no 103 in Eb (the Drumroll symphony), that appeared in his Cours complet d’harmonie et de composition, d’après une théorie nouvelle et générale de la musique (Paris 1805). The speaker investigates, thereafter, the relationship between this method, that interprets the “meaning” of music, and the concept of large scale harmonic movement and tonal fields (that Momigny was among the first to grasp), as well as with the rapid growth of an educated music public towards the end of the 18th century and the establishment of institutions aiming at the education of this public. Finally, she compares the above 19th century phenomena to the adoption of narratology in music analysis in the 1980s, examining its connection to quantitative or qualitative changes in contemporary musical public.

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